Quran-Based Islam

Much of what you've been taught about Islam is not supported by the Quran





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The Quran - The Final and Complete Message from God

Proof that the Quran is final, complete and the one and only acceptable source of Islamic law

  • The Quran and previous scriptures (e.g. the Jewish Torah and Christian Gospel) are all from the one and only God (3:2-3) (5:46) (61:6)
  • The Quran replaces previous scriptures and tells everyone to believe in it (4:47)
  • Some verses are specific and others are unspecific for a reason (3:7)
  • God never runs out of words (31:27)
  • The Quran is without a doubt clear guidance (huda) (2:2)
  • The Quran is clear proof (burhan) from God (4:174)
  • The Quran is complete (6:115) (6:38)
  • The Quran is fully detailed (fussilat) of all things (6:114) (12:111) (41:3) (11:1)
  • The Quran is clarification (tibyana) of all things (16:89)
  • The Quran provides its own best explanation (ahsan tafsir) (25:33)
  • The Quran is the ultimate scale (mizaan) (42:17)
  • The Quran is evidence (bayyinah) (20:133)
  • The Quran is the criterion (furqan) between right and wrong (25:1)
  • God forbids people from following any law except God’s laws in the Quran (6:114)
  • Whoever judges by other than the Quran, they are Kafir (disbelievers) (5:44)
  • The best hadith (statement) is God’s statement (the Quran) (39:23)
  • The Quran forbids you from following or believing in something without understanding it (17:36)
  • The Quran expects you to study and think deeply about its verses (47:24)
  • God protects the Quran from human tampering / corruption (15:9)
  • No one can alter God’s words (6:115)
  • Don’t spread false information / say a lie against God (16:116)
  • The Quran is in Arabic but only due to circumstances
  • How the Quran was transmitted and preserved
  • Muhammad is the seal of the prophets and the Quran is the last book of God (33:40)


The Ahadeeth - Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Proof that the ahadeeth is an unacceptable source of Islamic law

  • What is ahadeeth?
  • Not everything Muhammad said was a revelation. Muhammad himself only followed what was revealed to him. (10:15), (46:9), (6:50), (7:203)
  • God forbids people from believing in any statement (hadith) or book besides the Quran (45:6) (68:36-38)
  • God forbade the prophet from forbidding something that God never forbade (66:1)
  • The Quran forbids any other source, e.g. ahadeeth, to be used as law (6:114)
  • The prophet’s job was to deliver a message (the Quran) and nothing more (5:99) (42:48) (13:40)
  • Examples of “saheeh” ahadeeth that contradict each other
  • Examples of “saheeh” ahadeeth that contradict the Quran
  • Examples of “saheeh” ahadeeth that are unacceptable and questionable


Parents, Islamic Scholars, Popular / Majority Belief, Government, and Tradition

Many people are blind followers and don’t use their brains. Some overcomplicate religion.

  • Many Muslims are blind followers just like Prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) father and his people (21:52-68) (2:170)
  • If you follow and believe most people on earth, they will mislead you (6:116)
  • If you follow some Islamic scholars, they may also mislead you
  • Humans overcomplicate religion
    • Yellow cow example (2:67-71)
    • Astronaut example (2:177) (64:16)
  • The majority belief in something is not a valid proof or argument that it is correct
  • God gave humans a brain for a reason, not to be like cows (8:22) (7:179) (25:44)
  • Circular reasoning
  • Trained monkeys


Quran Translations

Examples showing that Quran translations are not always accurate and sometimes misleading

  • Inconsistent translations and interpretations (tafsir)
  • Inaccurate translations


Classical Arabic Dictionaries

Reputable dictionaries that can be used to help understand the Quran


Conclusion and Method of Analysis

The Quran, Quran Translations and Dictionaries, Common Sense Logic




Righteousness - Based on Lineage, Relationships, Companionship, etc.?

Proof that no one, including Muhammad’s wives, are automatically righteous


Will There Be a Bridge Over Hell (As-Sirat)?

The Quran doesn’t mention any such bridge and doesn’t indicate there will be any such thing


What Does the Quran Mean by “Ask Those That Have Knowledge”?

It doesn’t mean you can just blindly accept the advice of others, e.g. parents, scholars, gurus, etc.


Can I Just Blindly Follow What Others (Scholars, Imams, etc) Teach Me?

No. You may only follow what you understand and have proven to yourself.


Black Magic - Is It Real?

Proof that black magic is real and can, among other things, cause divorces


Gold and Silk - Is Wearing It Forbidden by Men?

Proof that men are allowed to wear gold and silk


Ablution (Wudu) - Must You Perform It Before Touching the Quran?

Proof that making ablution before touching the Quran is not required


Idolatry (Shirk) - More Than Just Worshipping Statues

An explanation of the different types of idolatry


Imam and the Shi’a Imamate - What Exactly is It?

An Quranic examination of the term “Imam”


Intercession - Can Anyone Help You on the Day of Judgement?

Proof that no one, including Muhammad (pbuh), can help anyone on the Day of Judgment


Gabriel (Jibril) - An Angel or a Spirit?

An Quranic examination as to whether Gabriel is an angel or The Holy Spirit


Punishment of Hell - Temporary or Eternal?

A Quranic examination of whether hell is eternal for everyone who goes there


Prophet Jesus (pbuh) - Will He Come Back?

Proof that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will not come back


Music and Singing - Is it Forbidden?

Proof that listening to music and singing are not forbidden


Nikaah Al-Mut’ah (Temporary Marriage) – Is It Permitted?

Proof that temporary marriage with predetermined duration is forbidden


Sects (Sunni, Shia, etc) - Can You Join or Create One?

Proof that dividing into or joining a sect is forbidden


Death and Punishment in the Grave - Is There Such a Thing?

A Quranic examination of what happens after death


Radhi Allah Unho - A Potentially Dangerous Saying

An Quranic examination of the meaning and whether saying it is allowed


Superstitions - One of Satan’s Weapons

Proof that believing in and following superstitions contradictory to the Quran is forbidden


Taqiyya (Lying for a Greater Good or Lying to Save Your Life) - Permitted or Forbidden?

Proof that taqiyya is forbidden except in dire situations, e.g. threat of persecution or death


The Christian Concept of the “Trinity” and Jesus as Son of God

Proof that the Christian Bible, which Muslims must believe, does not teach the “Trinity”


Hadith and Sunna - What’s the Difference?

An explanation of the difference between “hadith” and “sunna”


The Night Journey (Isra and Mi’raj) - Did it Really Happen?

An examination of the sources describing The Night Journey


The Qibla Change - Mecca to Jerusalem and Back to Mecca Again

An analysis showing that the Qibla was originally at the Kaa’ba and was not once, but twice


Will an Actual Trumpet be Blown on the Day of Calamity and Resurrection?

An analysis as to whether an actual “trumpet” will be blown on the Day of Calamity and Resurrection


The Sunna of Muhammad (pbuh) - Is it an Islamic Requirement?

Proof that the Sunna is time-bound and not a religious requirement


Jihad - Holy War Against Non-Muslims or Something Else?

A Quranic explanation of what “jihad” really means


Wasilah - A Means of Access to God

An Quranic analysis of “wasilah”, what it means and how it’s often misunderstood


What is a Muslim Name - A Misnomer

There’s no such thing as a Muslim name


What is Quranic Ruh (Spirit)?

Ruh as the holy spirit and ruh as divine energy


Zam Zam Water - Is it Blessed or Just Believed to Be So?

The Quran says nothing about Zam Zam water but does talk about rain water and honey



Death Penalty for Apostasy (Rejecting and Leaving Islam)?

The Quran does not prescribe the death penalty as punishment for apostasy


Some Muslims Today are No Different Than Christian and Hindu Polytheists

A Quranic analysis showing how some Muslims are actually polytheists (mushrikeen)


Death Penalty for Blasphemy (Ridiculing Islam)?

The Quran does not prescribe the death penalty as punishment for blasphemy


Don’t Judge! Not All Jews and Christians are Kafir

Quranic proof that some Jews and Christians are actually righteous


Forced Faith is No Faith

Proof that it is forbidden to force any aspect of religion on anyone


Marriage With the People of the Book (Jews and Christians)

Muslims may marry Jews and Christians but only under certain conditions


Muslim (Submitter) and Mu’min (Believer) - What’s the Difference?

Many people (including some Jews and Christians) are Muslim but not all Muslims are Mu’mins


People of the Book (Jews and Christians)

A Quranic explanation of the People of the Book


The Walking Dead

To some people, God closes the door of forgiveness before death. They live only to wait for Hell.


Understanding “Kufr” (Disbelief) and “Kafir” (Disbelievers)

Not all Non-Muslims are automatically Kafir. Only certain people under certain circumstances are Kafir.


Islam - The Religion of Muhammad or Also of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc?

Proof that Islam existed before Muhammad and was inspired in all prophets before him


Who are Muslims?

Many people (including some Jews and Christians) are Muslim but not all Muslims are Mu’mins


Will the Sins of Muslims be Transferred to Jews and Christians?

The ahadeeth say “Yes”. The Quran says “No”. So, “No”. Common sense also says, “No”, by the way!



Are Some Verses of the Quran Replaced with Other Verses or the Hadeeth?

An analysis showing that no verse in the Quran is canceled or replaced by another verse or source


How the Quran Describes Itself

Absolutely clear guidance and proof explained in detail of all things; a judge between truth and falsehood


Lailat Al-Qadr - Is it Like an Islamic Lottery?

The Quran does not tell one to find it as if to reap some huge reward or to wash away all sins.


Mother of the Book (Umm Al-Kitaab)

It is a master source within God’s presence from which the Quran was derived.


Some Commandments from the Quran

Some obvious and not-so-obvious commandments from the Quran


Some Prayers from the Quran

A collection of prayers taken directly from the Quran


The Best Hadeeth is Not Any of the Prophet’s “Ahadeeth”

The Quran states that it itself is the best hadeeth and that one should not follow any other hadeeth


When and How Was the Quran Compiled into a Book?

The Quran was completely written down on paper during the lifetime of the prophet


The Quran is the ONLY Acceptable Source of Religious Guidance

The hadeeth or any other book are not allowed to be used as religious guidance



How Does God Communicate with Humans?

Through inspiration and signs, behind a veil, and by sending a messenger


What Does it Mean to Say “Ameen”?

"So be it", "Truly" or '"Verily"


“Allah” is Not the Only Name for God

Other prophets knew God as “El” and “Yahweh” but any beautiful name is the name of God



Are the Arabs and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Descendants of Prophet Abraham (pbuh)?

There is no evidence in the Quran that they are related


Did Prophet Abraham (pbuh) Really Send His Wife Hagar and Son Ishmael Away Alone to a Barren Land?

There is no evidence in the Quran that this occurred


Prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) Original Sanctuary - At Makkah (Mecca) or Bakkah (Baca)?

An analysis that strongly indicates that the original site was a Baca, not at Makkah.


Prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) Sacrificial Son - Ishmael or Isaac (pbut)?

Strong arguments that indicate that the sacrificial son was actually Isaac, not Ishmael.



“Iktatabaha” - Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Write the Quran Himself?

An analysis indicating that he himself, rather than anyone else, wrote the Quran


Can Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Help You?

Proof that no one, including Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), can help you on the Day of Judgement


Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Exclusive and More Special Than the Other Prophets?

Quranic proof that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is no different than the other prophets


Follow the Example of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - What is That Example?

Quranic analysis that the example is not his personal preferences, e.g. having a long beard


God and the Angels Bless Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - What About Everyone Else?

Proof that God and the Angels also bless the believers


Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Perform Any Miracles as Did Some Other Prophets?

No. The only sign given to Prophet Muhammad was the Quran.


Does “Obey God and His Messenger” Mean I Must Follow the Hadeeth and Sunna?

No. It means to obey his authority with matters related to the Quran.


Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Alive in His Grave “Hazir” (Present) and “Nazir” (Witnessing) Us?

No. He’s dead. And he had no knowledge of the unseen.


Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) a Mercy to All Mankind?

No. But the Quran is, which Muhammad brought by Divine inspiration.


Does “Take What the Prophet Gives You” Mean I Must Follow His Sunna?

No. That is a reference to the booty (valuables) acquired during war.


Was Prophet Muhammad’s Mission Superior to That of Other Prophets?

No. All prophets are equal. They all faced varying degrees of challengers. Some were even murdered.


Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Illiterate (Couldn’t Read and Write)?

No. He actually wrote the Quran himself.


Was Every Word the Prophet Said a “Wahi” (Revelation) from God? (Divinely Inspired)?

No. It was only his sayings that were then than written in the Quran that were from God.



Adam (pbuh) and Jannah - Was Jannah on Earth or in Paradise?

Arguments indicating that Adam’s “Jannah” was actually on Earth


Are All Messengers of God Equal? Or Are Some Superior to Others?

They are all equal. Not even Muhammad is superior to the others.


Have There Been or Will There Be Any Other Prophets or Messengers after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ?

Muhammad was the last prophet and the Quran is the last scripture. There can be other messengers.


Exodus of Prophet Moses’ (pbuh) People Across the Red Sea?

An analysis that compares the stories from the Bible and the Quran


PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him) - For Prophet Muhammad Only or For All Prophets?

An analysis of the use of PBUH as a suffix


Mary’s Virgin Birth of Prophet Jesus

An analysis showing agreement between the Bible and the Quran


The Limits of Obeying a Messenger

The limit is to what is considered right and just


The Crucifixion of Jesus (pbuh)

A Quranic analysis of what happened


Was Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Sent to the Gentiles (Non-Jews) or To Just the Jews?

The Quran confirms that he was only sent to warn the Jews. The Bible supports this.


What is the Injeel?

Quranic analysis that suggests that it may be the wisdom given to Prophet Jesus (pbuh)



Hadith Qudsi (Sacred or Divine Sayings)

Supposed sayings of God that are not included in the Quran. You must disregard them.


Ibn Ishaq’s Sira of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The earliest surviving Muslim source of the prophet’s biography after the Quran


Non Muslim Sources of Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Ministry

Greek and Syriac writings from within decades of the prophet’s death


Poetry From a Quran’s Perspective

The Quran isn’t poetry and considers poetic speech as to deliberately confuse and mislead


The Shi’a Doctrine

An explanation of the Shi’a belief and how the Quran doesn’t support it



Is Arabic a Holy or Superior Language?

Quranic analysis indicating that Arabic is not a holy or superior language


Understanding the Challenge “Produce a Surah Like It”

A Quranic analysis of why the target audience could not meet the challenge


Why Was The Quran Revealed in Arabic?

For no reason other that so that the designated primary audience at the time (Arabs) could understand it clearly



“Daraba” (To Beat) - A Deeper Look in the Context of Wives

In context of wives, “daraba” means to “turn away from”, not “beat” your wife


“Khimar” (A Cover) - Does it Only Mean a Head Cover / Hijab?

“Khimar” means anything that covers, e.g. a shirt covers a chest, a hat covers one’s hair, etc.


Aggressive (Mis)Translations of the Quran to Enslave Women

Does the Quran say that wives are enemies and that they should stay fixed at home? No.


Are Menstruating Women Required Fast?

Yes, unless they become ill / feel pain or are generally unwell during the menstruation.


Does the Quran Confine Widows to Their Homes in Their Waiting Period (Iddat)?

No, widows may leave their home during the waiting paid.


Does the Quran Really Allow the Beating of Wives?

An analysis that indicates that, rather than “beat”, one may “shun” or “separate” with their spouse


Does the Quran Allow Consummating a Marriage with Female Minors?

A Quranic examination that indicates that this is now allowed


Hijab / Veil / Head Covering - Do Women Have to Wear It?

Quranic proof that women are not required to cover their hair, face, and neck


Can a Man Have Multiple or Up to Four Wives (Polygny) in Islam?

The Quran does not seem to encourage nor discourage polygny nor specify a particular maximum number of wives


Nikaah - The Islamic Marriage Contract

An explanation of the contract


Nikaah Al-Mut’ah (Temporary Marriage) - Allowed or Forbidden?

Marriage may only be entered into for sincere and honest wedlock and not for temporary lust


Will Men Get Sexy Female Virgins in Paradise?

Not necessarily. Both men and women will be recreated and have purified and righteous companions.


Should Women Lead Mixed Prayer Congregations or Religious Leaders?

A Quranic and historical examination of this topic


Stoning for Adultery

There is no directive in the Quran regarding stoning whatsoever


Thobe and Jilbab

A detailed explanation of what they are


Was Ayesha (One of Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Wives) a Child?

The Quran says nothing of this and based on Quranic marriage requirements, probably not


Was Adam’s (pbuh) Wife Created From His Rib?

The Quran says nothing about this


Where Do We Learn About Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Wives?

The Quran hardly says anything about his wives. Most information if from unreliable hadith.


Do Women Have the Right to Earn Equally as Men?

According to the Quran, yes.



Circumcision - Is it Required?

There is nothing in the Quran that requires circumcision.


Cutting the Hands of a Thief - No Ordinary Thief

A Quranic analysis that indicates that this punishment is meant only for extreme cases


Eating with Your Left Hand - Is It Forbidden?

Proof that eating with your left hand is not forbidden


Eid Festival After Ramadan - Is it Required?

The Quran says nothing about the Eid festival. Therefore, practicing it is permitted.


Must We Fast Until Maghrib (Sunset) or Night (Layl)?

Despite popular belief and practice, the Quran says to fast until “night”, not “sunset”


Homosexuality - Is it Permitted or Forbidden?

The Quran clearly says that homosexuality is forbidden


Inheritance Law According to the Quran

A explanation of inheritance law according to the Quran


Divorce Law According to the Quran

A explanation of divorce law according to the Quran


Kissing the Black Stone - Veneration or an Idolatrous Practice?

The Quran says nothing about kissing the Black Stone. So why do people do it?


Riba (Interest) and Whether Charging and Paying Interest is the Same Thing

Riba is clearly forbidden but paying interest, e.g. on a home loan, is not forbidden


Sadaqah (Charity)

An explanation of sadaqah (optional charity) and how it differs from zakah



An explanation of zakah (required alms giving similar to tax) and how it differs from sadaqah


The Hajj and Umrah

A Quranic explanation of what is required or not regarding the Hajj and Umrah


Begin Fasting at the Time of Fajr or the End of Sehri

You may eat until dawn when you start to see the a bit of light, which is later than the time of Fajr


Do You Have to Circle the Kaa’ba Seven (7) Times?

You must circle the Kaa’ba but the Quran does not require you to circle it seven times


Must You Wash Your Feet in Wudu (Ablution) or Can You Wipe it?

The Quran clearly says your must wipe your feet to your ankles so washing it is okay as well


(Wudu) Ablution Instructions

How to perform wudu (ablution) according to the Quran



Are Dogs Impure? Can I Have a Pet Dog?

The Quran does not forbid anything with respect to dogs


Is it Forbidden (Haram) to Have Statues and Images?

No. They are only forbidden if you worship them.


Does the Quran Encourage War or to Live by the Sword?

No. Fighting is only permissible in self defence with those who aggress and oppress believers


Quranic Punishment - Murder VS Manslaughter

Killing is only allowed in two circumstances: 1) retribution for committing evil beyond bounds and 2) retribution for murder


The Concept of Hijrah (Emigrating)

If all attempts to resolve issues in one place fails, emigrate to a different place (city, country)


Can You Only Perform the Hajj during the 5 Days (8th - 12th) of Dhul-Hijjah?

The Hajj pilgrimage, which takes a certain number of days to complete, can be performed anytime by any person during the four sacred months beginning from the new moon (Dhul Hijjah) until four lunar months later.


The True Definition of “Deen” According to the Quran

“Deen” is a “system” and does not have to be religious in nature



Are Intoxicants, e.g. Wine, Alcohol, Forbidden (Haram) in the Quran?

Whether considered “haram” or not, the Quran clearly says to stay away from intoxicants


Does the Quran Allow the Eating of Lions, Dogs, Cats, Rats, etc?

A Quranic analysis of what can and cannot be eaten


Eat and Drink But Don’t be Extravagant

The Quran clearly tells people not to consume food and drinks excessively and wastefully


What You Can and Cannot Eat

A list of the types of food you are permitted to and forbidden from eating


Is it Okay to Eat Jewish Kosher Meat?

Yes, but only if certain conditions are met


Why is it Forbidden to Eat Pig / Swine Flesh?

The Quran doesn’t say why. You’re just not allowed to eat it.


How to Correctly Slaughter an Animal for Sacrifice

A Quranic analysis of how to correctly slaughter an animal


Thakaytum - Slaughtering Lawfully to Make Food Fit for Consumption

An analysis of the word “thakaytum”



Are There Seven (7) Heavens or Several Heavens?

The word “seven” in the Quran and in classical Arabic can mean “several”


Do Aliens Exist?

According to the Quran, yes!


Heaven(s) and Paradise - What’s the Difference?

The heavens are the wider universe and paradise is Jannah - the Gardens of Eternal Bliss


The Jinn

A Quranic analysis of the invisible creature called “jinn. Satan is a jinn.



Jewish Prayer VS Muslim Prayer - Same or Different?

Ancient (original) Jewish prayers are in complete resonance with Quranic verses on the requirements of prayer


Darud Shareef Prayer

An examination of the meaning of the prayer about prophets Muhammad and Abraham (pbut)


Do We Have to Pray in Arabic?

An examination of the Quran indicating that one can pray in any language, not just Arabic.


How Can We Learn How to Pray If We Don’t Have Hadith to Teach Us?

The Quran explains all requirements for prayer, not the hadith.


Verse 2:239 “Pray As We Have Taught You How to Pray”

An Quranic analysis that supports the fixed form of prayer that we have today


Praying “For” The Dead is Different From Praying “Through” The Dead

You can pray for the dead but not through the dead


Preparing a Dead Body for Burial - A Quran’s Persective

There is not right or wrong way, as long as it’s with dignity and respect


Shortening of Prayers - Even on Vacation?

You may only shorten your prayer if you are in danger, e.g. at war.


The Five (5) Daily Prayers From The Quran

Proof of the five daily prayers and when to do them


The Importance of Congregational Prayer (Praying Together)

A Quranic analysis of congregational prayer


The Tahajjud Prayer

The Tahajjud prayer was only required on prophet Muhammad; it’s optional for everyone else.


What is “Salaat” (Prayer) According to the Quran

A Quranic analysis of various aspects of prayer including form, speech, direction, ablution, etc


Why Do We Have to Recite the Quran Back to God When We Pray?

The Quran actually doesn’t require nor forbid one to recite the Quran during prayer. So why not?



Do the Best You Can with Sincerity

Everyone has different limits. The Quran doesn’t expect you to do more than what you can handle.


Is the Mixing of Men and Women Forbidden, e.g. In School or Work?

The Quran does not forbid free mixing. But it does require modest attire and good behavior.


inna Lillaahi Wa inna ilayhi Raajiuun - A Saying When Someone Dies?

The Quran actually encourages saying this whenever you are hit with any misfortune


Behavior Towards Parents - Justice Over Blind Obedience

Obey them unless they breach Quranic values; remain civil and respectful even if they are unjust.


A Simple Summary of Quranic Prohibitions

1. Shameful deeds, 2. sin and oppression, 3. associate partners with God, 4. say things about God of what you don’t know


Quranic Wisdom

A selection of verses


Salaam Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You) - What is an Islamic Greeting?

The best greeting offers peace, regardless of language. It doesn’t have to be in Arabic.


How Satan (The Devil) Attacks Us and Leads Us Astray?

In the end, most people will be led astray.


How to Present Your World Views and Religious Understandings

Not by shouting and yelling but by, according to the Quran, polite and gentle speech


Are We Required to Stand Up for Justice or Can We Just Mind our Own Business?

Believers are required to side with truth and justice, even if against ourselves or relatives


Suffering and Hardship

Everyone will be tested and will suffer, including righteous people. No one is exempt.


Following Tradition Instead of God - A Small Lesson From the Bible

Unfortunately, many people, including Muslims and Christians, follow tradition instead of God.


Why Me? What Did I Do? - Understanding Our Trials

How and why we are tested


God Will Test Us

Everyone will be tested and will suffer, including righteous people. No one is exempt.


Transfer of Sin - Will Someone Who Has Wronged Me Get My Sins?

Fortunately, yes, to some extent, per the story of Adam’s two sons (5/27-37)


Judgement Day Questions

A hypotheticial dialogue between God and a man name Ahmed


Does the Quran Really Allow the Beating of Wives?

It is a commonly accepted position amongst Islamic orthodoxy that the ‘beating’ of women is sanctioned by the Quran. The verse taken to support this position is 4:34. The extent of the ‘beating’ is only 'lightened' by making use of Prophetic traditions as support and other interpretations sourced from ">http://quransmessage.com/articles/hadith%20FM2.htm">Islamic secondary sources (e.g. hadeeth).

Please note in the video shared below the approach usually adopted by orthodox thinkers who heavily rely on interpretations derived from Islamic secondary sources (e.g. hadeeth) almost shackling independent thought outside the remit of what is deemed 'permissible' by the clergy.

Please note in particular the comment by Hamza Yusuf "Because it is the Fuqaha that interpret the Quran, not the common people" [time=3m27s] which arguably limits interpretive scope. Such an assertion arguably stands in stark contrast to many verses of the Quran which encourage all humanity, including the disbelievers to deeply research, evaluate, ponder and to intrinsically scrutinise the Quran as part of one's intellectual endeavours whilst seeking the truth and guidance. ('Tadabbur' 4:82, 23:68, 38:29, 47:24).


Before we deal with the particular verse at the helm of the article, we will attempt to seek input from other verses which part with guidance on matters of spousal relationships in a general capacity.



"And among His Signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may find tranquility in them (Arabic: litaskunu), and He has placed between you love (Arabic: muwaddatan) and mercy (Arabic: wa-rahmatan). Indeed, in that are Signs for those who reflect"

From the above verse it is clear that the institution of marriage is one of tranquility, love and mercy. Even in the complex matter of divorce, we find clear instructions of arbitration, mutual consultation and kindness with no recourse to harm or injury of any kind. Please note the Arabic word 'Diraran' in the following verse and its prohibition. This arguably remains very pertinent to the general theme of this article which seeks to consider a best possible interpretation.

002:231 (Part)

"And when you divorce women and they reach their prescribed time, then either retain them in good fellowship or set them free with liberality, and do not retain them for injury / hurt (Arabic: Diraran), so that you exceed the limits..."

Illustration - Joseph Islam

Source: Edward Lanes Lexicon [1]


"O you who believe! it is not lawful for you that you inherit women (by) force (against their will), and do not put constraint upon them in order that you may take part of what you have given them, unless they are guilty of manifest indecency. And consort / live with them in kindness (Arabic: bil-mar'rufi). But if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing in which God has placed much good"


The verse which contains the alleged instruction to 'beat' is 4:34.

Let us note a popular translation of this verse.


"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because God has given the one more (strength) than the other and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in (the husband's) absence what God would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct admonish them (first) (next) refuse to share their beds (and last) beat them (lightly) ; but if they return to obedience seem not against them means (of annoyance): for Allah is Most High Great (above you all)"

The reader will have noted the many brackets in the above translation. The bracketed word 'lightly' is arguably influenced by Prophetic traditions which serve to lighten the intensity of the beating.

The Arabic which is translated as 'beat' in this context is 'idribohunna'


In general Arabic parlance without appreciation of any wider Quranic context or possible alternative classical usage, the phrase 'idribohunna' would be read as 'beat them'. To deny this usage in general parlance and Arabic literature would not only be incorrect, but intellectually dishonest.

However, the purpose of the article is to understand the phrase in light of its best possible classical Quranic usage and in light of its wider Quranic themes, especially those that deal with spousal relationships. Some of the guiding verses have already been cited above (30:21, 2:231 and 4:19).

In the end it is for the reader to decide what they feel is the most cogent or likely interpretation. One's endeavour in interpreting the Quranic verses must always be to attain the 'best meaning' whilst reconciling all the Quranic verses, context and themes.


"Those who listen to the Word (the Quran) and follow the best meaning in it / best of it (Arabic: fayattabi'una ahsanahu) those are the ones whom God has guided and those are the one's endowed with understanding (Arabic: Albabi)"


"And follow the best of what is revealed to you from your Lord, before the penalty comes to you suddenly while you do not perceive!”


With all my work with Arabic lexicons, nothing has intrigued me more than the multifaceted meanings of the root word for 'darab' (DAD-RA-BA), not only in general Arabic parlance, but even in the Quran itself. For example, one English commentator of the Quran, despite rendering 'darab' in 4:34 as 'beat', elsewhere appreciates the figurative or metonymic sense of the verb 'daraba'. The examples he quite correctly quotes are:

"...daraba fi'l-ard ("he journeyed on earth"), or daraba 'sh -shay' bi'sh -shay' ("he mixed one thing with another thing"), or daraba mathal ("he coined a similitude" or "propounded a parable" or "gave an illustration"), or 'ala darb wahid ("similarly applied" or "in the same manner"), or duribat 'alayhim adh -dhillah ("humiliation was imposed on them" or "applied to them")..." [2]

These are all multifaceted meanings springing from the same root word, DAD-RA-BA.

Source: A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran - John Penrice 1873 [3]

The multifaceted nature of the root word 'DAD-RA-BA' can also be seen in so many examples in the Quran.

One of the meanings of 'darab' is to give examples; to propound a similitude or to coin parables (2:26 - example given of a gnat, 14:24-5 - an example given of a goodly word; 14:45 - the dwellings of old; 16:75 - an example of a slave, 16:76 - an example of the dumb, 16:112 - a secure town, 22:73 - example of a fly, 18:32 - example given of two men with two gardens etc).

There are also many other examples such as to set out on a journey or to travel (3:156; 4:94; 4:101; 5:106 (witnesses and travel) 73:20; 2:273); or to condemn (2:61 - The Children of Israel's complaint with regards food); to seal (18:11 - companions of the cave), to take away (as in the reminder 43:5) and of course, to strike or beat (2:60, 2:73; 7:160 (Moses (pbuh) and the rock); 8:12 (instruction to the angels); 20:77 (Moses (pbuh)); 24:31 (women and feet); 26:63; 37:93; 47:4 (battlefield); 8:50; 47:27 (angels and death))


'Daraba' can also mean to turn away or shun if it appears with a preposition 'an'. As there is no preposition 'an' in the Quranic word 'idribohunna', it is usually argued that the Arabic word cannot take the meaning of 'shun / turn away' in this context.

Source: Edward Lanes Lexicon [4]

This rendering can also be seen in verse 43.5


Should We take this Reminder away from you and ignore you (turn away) because you are a nation who has transgressed all limits?

Illustration - Joseph Islam

However, it appears from certain Arabic lexicons that the phrase 'Idribohunna' does not necessarily require the preposition 'an' to make the rendition 'shun - turn away from' operative. Therefore, the word 'Idribohunna' in the Quran can still retain the meaning to 'turn away from - shun' without necessitating the requirement of the preposition 'an'.

Please see the example in the following excerpt below.

Source: Edward Lanes Lexicon [5]

This rendering also finds support with the overarching philosophy depicted by the Quran which underscores how marriage institutions should be managed in kindness, respect and without causing harm to one another.

Other authors have also sought support from trusted Arabic lexicons to make a similar case.

"Nevertheless, narrowing its meaning in a given instance is not as difficult as it may first seem, because in Arabic verbs acquire various connotations only in combination with specific prepositions. For instance daraba acquires the meaning of "to separate" in combination with baina, and the meaning of "to turn away from," "to leave," "to avoid," and "to shun" in combination with 'an. In the passage in question, daraba is not combined with either of these prepositions. Yet Lane points out that the command form of the verb, udribu, with or without 'an, can mean "ignore," "pay no attention to," or "turn away from," as well as "hit," "beat," or "strike." Hence, udribu-hunna, could mean, "beat them" or "strike them," or alternatively, "turn them away," "ignore them," or "shun them." [6]


As the meaning of 'Idribohunna' is generally accepted to mean 'beat', many Islamic scholars have served to contextualise the beating to imply a corrective approach.

Muslim theologians split the directives into a 3 step disciplinary process which from a cursory glance seems supported if only the apparent severity of the successive remedial steps is considered.

However, if one re-reads verse 4:34 in Arabic (as below) and in its wider context, one will note that a separation in time is not necessarily conclusive in the verse (i.e. step 1 followed by step 2 and step 3 as disciplinary steps to be taken over a period of time).

In particular, the Arabic word 'wa' does not necessarily indicate a separation in time but an action that can be performed simultaneously or indeed in a relatively short sequence (not separated by any significant time spans).

On the contrary, if the separator 'wa' is to be taken as a separation of disciplinary steps (as is generally accepted), there is no indication in the Quran as to what those time periods then would be. Furthermore, there is no objective criterion to judge each stage, leaving the matter entirely at the subjective whim of the husband who may already be in an extremely aggrieved, possibly aggressed state. It is also useful to note that there is an absence of any similar 'corrective' steps when the husband is similarly guilty of 'nushuz' (ill conduct, rise against, desertion, rebellion, dissonance, belligerence or hostility) against the wife (4:128) supporting the notion that verse 4:34 intends no real separation in time.

Alternative translation:

004:034 (Part)

"...As from those whom you fear ill-conduct (Arabic: nushuzahunna) advise them (Arabic: fa'izuhunna) and (Arabic: wa) forsake their (Arabic: uh'juruhunna) beds and (Arabic: wa) separate from them (Arabic: idribohunna); but if they return to obedience, then do not seek against them a way. Indeed, God is Most High, The Greatest"

Please also note that the Arabic word 'fa'izuhunna' is formed from its root (waw-ayn-za) and is not restricted to mean 'admonish' exclusively. Rather, it also carries the meaning to give good advice or counsel, to remind one of the result of affairs, preach, advise and to warn.

Illustration - Joseph Islam


Reading the next verse 4:35 regards arbitration, one notes that the prefixed conjunction 'wa' is clearly not being used as a separation in time, but as an approach to be carried out simultaneously or in immediate succession.


"And if you fear a breach between the two, then appoint an arbiter (Arabic: hakamamin) from his people and (Arabic: wa) an arbiter (Arabic: hakamamin) from her people; if they both desire agreement, God will effect harmony between them, surely God is Knowing, Aware."

Illustration - Joseph Islam

Even in the very next verse (4:36) we note the word 'wa' being used when referring to God's sole worship. No one would argue that this is a separation in time but rather an action that must be carried out simultaneously (i.e. Worship God at the same time as associating no other deity with Him).

004:036 (Part)

"...Serve God, and (Arabic: wa) join not any partners with Him..."

Illustration - Joseph Islam

There are countless examples of this in the Quran such as obeying God and (wa) the messenger (64:12) which is a simultaneous action.

Illustration - Joseph Islam

Furthermore, one notes in the command with regards ablution (5:6), the conjunction 'and' (wa) being used as a sequence separator ("When you stand up for prayer then wash your faces, and (wa) your hands till the elbows and (wa) wipe your heads and (wa) your feet till the ankles"). There is no indication in this verse that these actions need to be carried out over a great period of time other than implying a general sequence.

Therefore, given the possible argument that all actions are occurring simultaneously or in short general sequence in verse 4:34, one could arguably contend with the interpretation of a three step disciplinary process culminating in the beating of the wife. In this case, the latter 'beat' would certainly not be the most conclusive / appropriate rendition not only argued linguistically, but also in light of the Quran's overarching philosophy of mutual respect and love.

Rather, it can be argued that 'idribohunna' refers to the process of separating or shunning as by way of an example underlying the conviction in one's approach. This is certainly the case when the predicament is regarding the very serious matter of 'Nushuz' (ill conduct, rise against, desertion, rebellion, dissonance, belligerence or hostility).

The simultaneous or sequential nature of the actions are also reinforced in the same verse where the Arabic 'Fa'in' (best rendered but if/ then if) is actually being used as a sequence in time (If they correct their behaviour, seek not a way against them).

One must always take the most consistent rendering in light of all the Quran's narratives and overarching philosophy, i.e. the best meaning possible.


"Those who listen to the word then follow the best of it; those are they whom God has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding"


The Quranic directives protect both parties and if a man is guilty of 'Nushuz', a wife also has recourse.


"If a wife fears cruelty or desertion (Arabic: Nushuzun) on her husband's part, there is no blame on them if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves; and such settlement is best; even though men's souls are swayed by greed. But if ye do good and practice self-restraint, God is well-acquainted with all that ye do"


Islam's earliest historic source is a professional storyteller, the biographer and historian Ibn Ishaq. The mention of beating in this context is found in his Sira (Biography) of Muhammad (pbuh) in a section called the 'Farewell Pilgrimage'. Please note that Ibn Ishaq was drawing from a common pool of traditionalists many decades before the works of 'collectors of Ahadith' such as Al-Bukhari started to take canon. (This specifically is a discussion outside the remit of this article and thus will not be further elaborated here).

"You have rights over your wives and they have rights over you. You have the right that they should not defile your bed and that they should not behave with open unseemliness. If they do, God allows you to put them in separate rooms and to beat them but not with severity" [7]


It is possible that at the Prophet's time, this verse was understood in a non aggressive manner and the term 'idribohunna' was understood as to 'shun them'.

However, over the passage of time, many early Arabs used this word to find justifications with regards to their approach taking the most aggressive rendering of the word to justify their actions and to pander to their pre-Islamic cultural sensitivities. Once this aggressive rendition was proliferated, many traditions were formulated in the name of the Prophet to counter it as for example, 'I (the prophet) wanted one thing, but God wanted another'.

Notwithstanding the problems and subsequent questions this narrative raises such as ‘is the Prophet more merciful than the Creator?’ and ‘How could the Prophet's desire run contrary to the Lord's decree?’ many counter narratives came into circulation.

Future Islamic theologians no doubt in this scenario would have had a tremendous task of attempting to sift through and reconcile the alleged traditions in the name of the Prophet with the directives of the Quran. It is quite possible that the development of the 3 steps found its root in early Islamic jurisprudence given the variances of opinion. However, within the scriptures own light, this problem does not arise unless one attempts to reconcile it with these secondary source narratives.

However clearly, only God knows best what happened and this suggestion is only propounded as a mere possibility.


It is imperative in my humble view to consider a few strong contentions against seeking an alternative interpretation as has been shared in this article.

To allow for intellectual honesty, I feel that readers should consider these contentions with an open, yet critical mind.

  1. Why did the Quran make use of a well-known word in Arabic such as 'daraba' which could lend itself to be nuanced aggressively with ease if this meaning was not the intention of the verse? In other words, why did the Quran not simply make use of an alternative, unequivocal Arabic term instead, which would leave no room for doubt to the reader? This is especially when the verb in question is found with its intensive usage (to strike / beat) throughout the Quran in non-marital contexts and the Quran claims to be clear Arabic speech.
  2. Why does the vast Arabic Islamic literature not proliferate the specific understanding of the alternative meaning (i.e. to shun) of the Arabic term 'idhrib'? (Please see section above for a possible reason).
  3. The context of the alleged 'strike' is only a corrective measure intended to be invoked in the very serious situation of 'nushuz' by the wife (ill conduct, rise against, desertion, rebellion, dissonance, belligerence or hostility) in the husband's capacity as 'qawamun' (maintainer, protector, guardian, supporter of his family). It is not intended to sanction an indiscriminate unleash of anger of a short tempered brute of a husband on a defenseless, innocent wife on a mere whim. Its intention is not to 'hurt' but to use 'sufficient, measured restraint' to redress the precarious situation that has occurred. This is after all other avenues have been exhausted in a private capacity between both the husband and the wife and before the matter becomes public and arbitration becomes necessary. In the end, the actions of the husband will be judged by God who has tasked him with specific responsibility.
  4. The primary guidance of the Quran was presented in a particular context to a particular people of a certain culture. Any future applicability of the verse is dependant on the context of the particular situation and culture.
  5. There is a difference between 'domestic abuse' and 'effective measured restraint / control' as a last resort when all other possibilities have been exhausted to redress a precarious situation.
  6. One cannot impose modern Western sensibilities on God's wisdom for humankind or a particular people of a certain time.
  7. The Quran grants the husband the responsibility to primarily provide support, guard, maintain his household including his wife and children (qawamun 4:43), to ensure empathy and love in his household and to redress the balance if that equilibrium is subject to foul play.


Muslims often do a great disservice to the Quran and its immense power to suggest that the Quran can only be understood by appointed clergymen who tacitly rest control over its interpretation or once full knowledge of Arabic and its grammar has been grasped. Of course arguably, no serious student of the Quran will ever doubt that an extensive knowledge of classical Arabic is an extremely powerful tool to aid the study of the Quran. Nor would they doubt that it is imperative to critically evaluate the opinions of other scholars.

However, the internal logic and consistency of the Quran is so coherent that it transcends language and at times can be used to expose weaknesses of accepted meanings and the collective opinions of others.

The case of 'Idribohunna' to imply 'beating of one's wife' may provide one such example.


[1] LANE. E.W, Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Librairie du Liban Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Volume 5, Page 1775

[2] ASAD. M, The Message of THE QUR'AN; Dar Al-Andlus Limited, 3 Library Ramp Gibraltar, Spain 1980, Verse 2:72, Note 57

[3] PENRICE. J, A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, Adam Publishers & Distributors, First Edition 1873, Reprinted in India 1991, Page 87

[4] LANE. E.W, Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Librairie du Liban Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Volume 5, Page 1779

[5] Ibid.

[6] LANG. J, Losing My Religion: A Call for Help, Amana Publications, First Edition, Page 429 Author Reference

[93] Edward Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, Fredrick Unger Publishing (1956), page 1779, first column, two-thirds down the page.

[7] GUILLAUME. A, The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, Oxford University Press, Page 651